Could this affect your insurance cover?
BT has made the decision to withdraw their Redcare service and operation from market with effect from 1 August 2025 or earlier where contractual services are due to expire before then.
It is thought that over 100,000 private customers and businesses will be affected and they’ll need to find alternative solutions.
While BT Redcare signalling is commonly linked to intruder alarm systems, other systems, including fire alarms, fridge temperature alarms, sprinklers, and water leak detection equipment, may also rely on it for remote signalling.
Clients may be unaware of the technological specifications delivered through Redcare so it is important that the replacement service you choose provides a like for like performance level & is:
- Installed by a company regulated by the National Security Inspectorate (NSI) which incorporates the National Approval Council for Security Systems (NACOSS) or a company regulated by the Security Systems and Alarm Inspection Board (SSAIB) and;
- Will be maintained in full working order under an annual maintenance contract with an appropriate alarm maintenance company or installer regulated by the National Security Inspectorate (NSI) which incorporates the National Approval Council for Security Systems (NACOSS) or a company regulated by the Security Systems and Alarm Inspection Board (SSAIB). Insurers may require evidence of the maintenance agreement in the event of a claim.
If you are affected by the BT Redcare announcement you should approach your alarm company at the earliest opportunity to discuss options available for switching to alternative alarm signalling products.
You should also consult with us your broker if the provision of monitored alarm protection is a condition of your insurance cover. Insurers may have minimum performance requirements for your alarm signalling, so it’s essential that any replacement meets these. Replacement alarm signalling products should match or exceed the performance level of your existing signalling.
Whilst 1st August 2025 feels a long way off, we encourage you to act now. Don’t delay and risk losing your monitored alarm systems, leaving your property exposed & the potential for claims not to be paid.
If you are uncertain if your new system will meet the requirements, please contact us (your broker) asap.